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Ha well welcome to my world...depressing and fucked up as it may be. Well anyway my name is Katie in case you already don't know. I am in 10th grade at Academy and I am 16 years old. Woo hoo, what a wonderful life I lead. Yea right, hit me with a shovel now and put me out of my misery. Ha, well anyway life is getting a tad bit better than it has been over the past month, school seems to be a little better,there is no guy in my life right now, i dont know what i am doing in that area, and I really couldn't tell you about friends. There isn't much that is interesting with me, unless you consider refusing to paint your nails all one color interesting. Oh shit I don't know, I never do. I don't really have a certain type of music to listen to and I don't really have any type of style that I stick with. I do what I want and if people want to criticize me for I feel that it's their problem. Listen to me going on and on babbling with no real purpose. I guess that's just me... But oh well enough about me.....

With ~<3~ Katie :)